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Kranenburg Chicago I
Kranenburg Chicago II

Kranenburg Chicago I
Documents Courtesy Dale Kranenburg in Chicago.

Nine generations of Kranenburg

Nine generations of Kranenburg.

Data for the first five generations (until Maarten Kranenburg, born in 1775) are from H.J. Barendregt "Het geslacht Kranenburg uit Kijfhoek.", a typewritten report, published in 1974. My grandmother, Grieta Kranenburg, represents the ninth generation.

Some lines, starting with children mentioned below, have been extensively researched by Mr Barendregt, others have not yet received attention. Mr. Barendregt mentions in an introduction, that his work was carried out at the request of a number of people, some of whom lived in the USA and Canada.

Jaap Lucassen


Teunis (CRANENBURGH), born circa 1595.
He was married to Cornelia SCHIPPER.
From this marriage:
Cleis Teunisz CRAENENBURGH, born in Kijfhoek, IJsselmonde circa 1625, see VIII.
Simon Teunisz CRAENENBURGH, born in Kijfhoek in the year 1630.
Cleis Teunisz CRAENENBURGH, born in Kijfhoek,IJsselmonde circa 1625, died before Monday April 22, 1697.

Was farmer in West Barendrecht near Carnisse from 1659. There he buys a house on May 16, 1665 near Koedood. In 1673 he lives on the farm Heuvelstein in the polder called "Het buitenland van Rhoon". From 1680-96 he is dike-reeve and from 1688-96 treasurer of the Molenpolder near Rhoon. In 1685 and 1689 magistrate of Rhoon, in 1677 deacon and in 1679-95 church-elder.

He was married in Dubbeldam. He was married on Sunday August 24, 1659 in church (1) to Neeltje WOUTERSDR, born in Dubbeldam, christened on Sunday January 9, 1633, died before Monday April 3, 1684, daughter of Wouter HUYGHSZ and Catalynk ADRIAENSDR.
From this marriage:
Arien Cleisz CRANENBURGH,christened in Barendrecht on Sunday May 23, 1660.
Ariaentje Cleisdr CRANENBURGH,christened in Barendrecht on Sunday November 2, 1664.
Elisabeth Cleisdr CRANENBURGH,christened in Barendrecht on Sunday November 2, 1664.
Theunis Cleisz CRANENBURGH,christened in Barendrecht on Sunday February 17, 1669, see VII.
Lena Cleisdr CRANENBURGH, born in Rhoon circa 1675.
He was married in Barendrecht. He was married on Monday April 3, 1684 in church (2) to Annetje MAERTENSDR, christened in Barendrecht on Sunday July 25, 1632, buried on Wednesday March 23, 1712.
Theunis Cleisz CRANENBURGH,christened in Barendrecht on Sunday February 17, 1669, died after Thursday February 27, 1727.
He was married in Barendrecht on Sunday July 15, 1696 in church (1) to Maria Gerritsdr VAN DER MEULEN,christened in Barendrecht on Saturday January 1, 1661, died before Friday September 28, 1714, daughter of Gerrit Woutersz VAN DER MEULEN and Ariaentje ARIENSDR.
From this marriage:
Cleijs KRANENBURG, christened in Barendrecht on Sunday June 2, 1697, died in Carnisse on Saturday September 19, 1699.
He was married in Herkingen on Sunday October 21, 1714 in church (2) to Geertje Laurens VAN DEN BERGH,born in Herkingen,died after Thursday February 27, 1727.
From this marriage:
Lourens KRANENBURG, christened in Ooltgensplaat on Sunday January 10, 1717, died after Sunday May 13, 1759. He was married to Teuntje Leenderts VOORWINDE.
Maarten KRANENBURG, christened in Sommelsdijk on Saturday July 23, 1718, died before Sunday March 7, 1723.
Arij KRANENBURG, christened in Sommelsdijk on Thursday January 4, 1720, died before Thursday February 27, 1727.
Maarten KRANENBURG, christened in Sommelsdijk on Sunday March 7, 1723, see VI.
Klaas KRANENBURG, born circa 1725.
Arij KRANENBURG, christened in Sommelsdijk on Thursday February 27, 1727.
Maarten KRANENBURG, christened in Sommelsdijk on Sunday March 7, 1723, died after Sunday August 29, 1762.
He was married on Sunday June 10, 1742 to Lijsbeth Hendriks VIJFSCHOOF, born in Dirksland, died after Sunday August 29, 1762, daughter of Hendrik VIJFSCHOFF.
From this marriage:
Geertruij KRANENBURG, christened in Sommelsdijk on Sunday June 9, 1743.
Hendrik KRANENBURG, christened in Sommelsdijk on Sunday September 4, 1746, see V.
Teunis KRANENBURG, christened in Sommelsdijk on Sunday December 14, 1749.
Leuntje KRANENBURG, christened in Sommelsdijk on Sunday August 6, 1752.
Teuntje KRANENBURG, christened in Sommelsdijk on Sunday April 13, 1755.
Teunis KRANENBURG, christened on Sunday July 3, 1757.
Teunis KRANENBURG, christened in Sommelsdijk on Sunday April 27, 1760.
Adriana KRANENBURG, christened in Sommelsdijk on Sunday August 29, 1762.
Hendrik KRANENBURG, christened in Sommelsdijk on Sunday September 4, 1746, died after Sunday February 28, 1779.
He entered a notice of marriage in Oude Tonge on Sunday May 14, 1769 to Kaatje Herberts GROOTENBOER, christened in Klundert on Sunday November 26, 1747, died in Sommelsdijk on Thursday January 5, 1809, daughter of Herbert Geertse GROTENBOER and Adriana Cornelisse HOLLEMANS.
From this marriage:
Lysbeth KRANENBURG, christened in Sommelsdijk on Sunday July 23, 1769.
Adriana KRANENBURG, christened in Sommelsdijk on Sunday March 28, 1773.
Maarten KRANENBURG, christened in Sommelsdijk on Sunday April 23, 1775, see IV.
Herbert KRANENBURG, christened on Sunday December 28, 1777.
Leunis KRANENBURG, christened on Sunday February 28, 1779.
Maarten KRANENBURG, christened in Sommelsdijk on Sunday April 23, 1775, died on Tuesday August 31, 1819.
Was in 1813 coast guard in Goedereede. Many people were enlisted in the period 1810-13 to try and fight the smuggling of British merchandise.
He got the banns published in Sommelsdijk on Thursday July 14, 1803 in church to Maatje DE GEUS, labourer, christened in Ooltgensplaat on Sunday October 20, 1771, died in Sommelsdijk on Friday October 2, 1829,daughter of Simon Simons DE GEUS and Maria Jacobs COORNDIJKER.(She was married before on Monday January 25, 1796 to Job Arensz VERLEE.)
From this marriage:
Kaatje KRANENBURG, born on Sunday November 4, 1804.
Rebecca KRANENBURG, born in Sommelsdijk on Friday October 16, 1807, christened on Monday November 23, 1807, died in Anna Paulowna on Saturday December 25, 1886.
She was married in Sommelsdijk on Sunday November 29, 1829 to Leendert VAN GRONINGEN, born in Sommelsdijk,christened on Sunday November 10, 1805, died in Zijpe after 1865, son of Cornelis VAN GRONINGEN and Grieta VERWERS.
Hendrik KRANENBURG, born in Sommelsdijk on Tuesday October 19, 1813, see III.
Hendrik KRANENBURG, labourer, born in Sommelsdijk on Tuesday October 19, 1813, died in Zijpe on Saturday March 12, 1864.
The family lived in house nr 137 in Sommelsdijk. House nr 145 was the school building. On October 29 1852 they departed from Sommelsdijk on the South-Holland island of Overflakkee to den Helder in North-Holland. Hendrik, "Pietje",Simon, Arenen Maatje were registered there on November 1, 1852. They lived in house 310. On June 15, 1854 they moved to Zijpe, of which the Anna Paulowna-polder, reclaimed from the sea in 1846 was then still a part.
He was married in Sommelsdijk on Sunday May 31, 1835 to Sijtje KIEVIT, labourer, born in Sommelsdijk in December 1813, died in Anna Paulowna on Wednesday March 31, 1875, daughter of Abraham Cornelisz KIEVIT (day labourer, agricultural worker) and Grieta Johannesse VAN WOUWEN (labourer).
From this marriage:
Simon KRANENBURG, born in Sommelsdijk on Monday October 5, 1835, died on Tuesday January 5, 1836.
Abram KRANENBURG, born in Sommelsdijk on Thursday June 15, 1837, see II.
Simon KRANENBURG, labourer, born in Sommelsdijk on Saturday October 24, 1840, died in Amsterdam after 1914. He was married in Zijpe on Saturday July 15, 1865 to his cousin Grieta VAN GRONINGEN, born in Sommelsdijk on Thursday October 31, 1839, daughter of Leendert VAN GRONINGEN and Rebecca KRANENBURG.
Maatje KRANENBURG, born in Sommelsdijk on Wednesday January 31, 1844, died in Zijpe on Sunday January 10, 1858.
Arien KRANENBURG, born in Sommelsdijk on Monday October 30, 1848, died in Ogden, Utah on Sunday April 2, 1922.
First lived, as did his brothers Abraham and Simon at the Schorweg in Breezand, Anna Paulowna. Afterwards in Wieringerwaard, den Helder, Hoorn and Amsterdam. In Amsterdam he and his family were converted to the Mormon religion and were baptised on 11 May 1889. They emigrated to the USA from Amsterdam on 7 September 1894 and settled in Utah. Reportedly his two elder daughters, Sijtje and Dieuwertje (later Sadie and Maggie) went earlier to earn money for the crossing of the rest of the family. Arien offered to take his 13 year old orphaned niece Grieta Kranenburg with him. She then lived together with her twin brother Jan at the farm of her future parents-in-law, Jan Pranger and Antje Vos. The story goes that Antje Vos did not want to have the twins separated.

Arien died as a result of a conflict with a bull.

He was married on Friday May 3, 1872 to Maartje PEETOOM, born in Barsingerhorn on Wednesday October 16, 1850, died in Ogden, Utah on Tuesday February 19, 1935, daughter of Pieter PEETOOM (labourer) and Maartje DE VOS.
Grieta KRANENBURG, born in Zijpe on Sunday September 24, 1854, died in Wieringerwaard on Tuesday March 14, 1882.
Probably died during childbirth.
She was married in Wieringerwaard on Sunday May 8, 1881 to Pieter DE VRIES, miller and baker,born in Texel circa 1854,son of Gerrit DE VRIES (labourer) and Antje JONGERLING.
Maatje KRANENBURG, born in Zijpe on Sunday December 26, 1858. She was married in Anna Paulowna on Thursday April 26, 1877 to Louwrens DOORN, labourer and grave digger, born in Zijpe in the year 1852, son of Jan DOORN and Maartje VAN DER MAND.
Guardian of Grieta Kranenburg.
Abram KRANENBURG, labourer, bornin Sommelsdijk on Thursday June 15, 1837, died in Anna Paulowna on Sunday June 29, 1890.
He was married in Zijpe on Saturday March 3, 1866 to Maria PRANGER, born in den Helder on Wednesday April 26, 1843, died in Anna Paulowna on Saturday August 25, 1883, daughter of Willem PRANGER (farm hand, labourer, dockworker and peasant) and Aaltje DISSEL (maid servant).
From this marriage:
Hendrik KRANENBURG, farmer, born in Zijpe on MondayNovember 19, 1866, died in Anna Paulowna on Friday September 24, 1948,buried there.
Hendrik Kranenburg aged 23 when his father died. Initially he took care of his younger brothers and sisters. "Uncle en Aunt Trijn" had a farm near the railway bridge over the "Noordhollands kanaal".
He was married in Anna Paulowna on Sunday September 23, 1894 to Trijntje PRANGER, born in den Helder on Sunday March 2, 1873, died in Anna Paulowna on Sunday April 25, 1954, buried there,daughter of Jan PRANGER (farmer and dredging mill boss) and Antje VOS.
Aaltje KRANENBURG, born in Zijpe on Friday April 22, 1870, died in Anna Paulowna on Tuesday January 22, 1935. She was married in Anna Paulowna on Sunday December 6, 1891 to Dirk PRANGER, dredging mill boss,born in den Helder on Monday May 18, 1868, died circa 1942, son of Jan PRANGER and Antje VOS.
Lived in a house-boat in Amsterdam. Grieta Kranenburg went there to help him.
Sietje KRANENBURG, born in Anna Paulowna on Thursday January 11, 1872, died in the year 1929. She was married to Jan OTT, engineer in den Helder's gas works and ship engineer, born in Wervershoof on Monday August 24, 1868, died circa 1918.
Died in 1918 when his ship struck a mine.
Johanna Maria KRANENBURG, born on Tuesday June 2, 1874.
Lives in the house of brother Hendrik. Departs to Zijpe July 3, 1895.
She was married to Hendrik DUNK, carpenter, born in the year 1870.
Jacob KRANENBURG, labourer, born in Anna Paulowna on Saturday December 9, 1876, died there on Saturday April 22, 1967.
Also lived with his brother Hendrik. Bought a farm at the Balgweg.
He was married in Anna Paulowna on Friday December 6, 1901 to Pieternella DROOGER, born in Anna Paulowna on Sunday May 18, 1879, died there on Sunday October 8, 1967.
Pieter KRANENBURG, born in Anna Paulowna on Sunday July 14, 1878, died there on Wednesday September 15, 1954.
Lived first in brother Hendrik's house. Departs March 27 1901 to den Helder.
He was married to Geertje DE WIT, born in Wieringen on Tuesday September 22, 1885 (mennonite), died in Anna Paulowna on Sunday July 19, 1964.
Grieta KRANENBURG, born in Anna Paulowna on Wednesday December 14, 1881, see I.
Jan KRANENBURG, born in Anna Paulowna on Wednesday December 14, 1881, died there on Sunday March 2, 1980. He was married in Anna Paulowna on Sunday October 14, 1906 to Anna PRANGER, born in Middelie on Monday May 21, 1883, died in Anna Paulowna on Thursday January 1, 1959, daughter of Jan PRANGER and Antje VOS.
Grieta KRANENBURG, born in Anna Paulowna on Wednesday December 14, 1881, died there on Thursday July 23, 1964.
She was married in Anna Paulowna on Saturday November 1, 1902 to Jan PRANGER, labourer, hunter and farmer, born in Zaandam on Friday November 7, 1879, died in Anna Paulowna on Wednesday August 27, 1975, son of Jan PRANGER and Antje VOS.

This report was made on November 5, 1996 with Haza-Data 7.1 by: J. Lucassen.

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Birth certificate of Pieter Kranenburg in Nieuwkoop (Holland) on May 7 1831.




In het jaar een duizend acht honderd een en dertig, den Zevenden der maand Mei is voor ons Assessor gedelegeerd Ambtenaar van den Burgerlijken Stand der Gemeente van Lisse, Kanton Noordwijk, Provincie Zuid-Holland, gecompareerd Teunis Kranenburg, oud Acht en Twintig jaren, van beroep Turf Schipper, wonende te Nieukoop welke ons heeft verklaard, dat Zyne Huisvrouw Johanna de Graaf op den Zesde dezer Maand Mei, des Morgens ten half Zeven ure, in het Turfschip Alhier bevallen is van een kind van het mannelijk geslacht, aan hetwelk hij bij deze geeft de voornaam van Pieter

De gemelde verklaring is opgemaakt in tegenwoordigheid van Jan Maarburg van beroep Werkman, oud vier en Zestig jaren, en van Adrianus Lagerenberg van beroep Schoonmaker oud vijf en dertig jaren, wonende beide te Lisse.
En is deze Acte van Geboorte na gedane voorlezing door de Comparanten nevens ons ondertekend behalven de Vader welke verklaard niet te kunnen schrijven.


In the year one thousand eight hundred thirty one, the seventh of the month May has appeared before us Assessor delegated Officer of the civil registration of Lisse, Area of Noordwijk, Province Zuid-Holland Teunis Kranenburg, aged twenty eight years, of profession peat boatman, living in Nieukoop who has declared to us that his lawful wife Johanna de Graaf on the sixth of this month May, at six thirty in the morning, in the peat boat moored here has given birth to a child of the male gender, to which he hereby gives the name of Pieter

This certificate is made in the presence of Jan Maarburg of profession workman, aged sixty four years, and of Adrianus Lagerenberg of profession cleaner aged thirty five years, both living in Lisse.
And this certificate of birth after reading overloud has been signed by those present and by myself except the father who has declared not to be able to write.


Dale Kranenburg and his brother David on visit in Kranenburg Germany in 1985.
The local paper Grenzland Post placed this picture and text.



The brothers Kranenburg from Minesota (USA) arrived today in Kranenburg. Dale (left), who nowadays is stationed on Military Airport Bitburg, felt the existence of the place, that bears the same name, just like his eight members family. Now they all want to visit the border town one after each other. David Kranenburg (middle) started. Herbert Bongers of the local town council welcomed now the "Kranenburgs".


Kranenburg Chicago II
Descendants of Huybert Dircksz. from Hazerswoude. (With special reference to immigrants with surname Kranenburg in the USA.)
Courtesy Dale Kranenburg in Chicago.

Huybert Dircksz, born in Hazerswoude (ZH) circa 1595, died after 1661. j.m. (=bachelor) from Hazerswoude (near Leiden). He was married in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Sunday September 18, 1622 in church
(1) to Machtelt Teunis, died before 1655. (She was widow of Gerret GIJSEN, born in Nieuwkoop (ZH), died before 1622.)
From this marriage:
1 Teunis Huybertsz (KRANENBURG), christened in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Sunday September 24, 1623, follows II.
2 Maritge Huyberts, christened in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Sunday July 11, 1627.
He was married on Thursday February 4, 1655 in church
(2) to Marritge JACOBS, born in Nieuwkoop (ZH).
From this marriage:
3 Jacob Huyberts, christened on Sunday June 27, 1660.

Teunis Huybertsz (KRANENBURG), christened in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Sunday September 24, 1623, son of I. He was married to Gooltje Gerrits (KOOY).
From this marriage:
1 Cornelis (KRANENBURG), christened in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Thursday January 7, 1655.
2 Cornelis Teunisz KRANENBURG, christened in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Sunday November 5, 1656, follows III.
3 Machtiltge (KRANENBURG), christened in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Sunday July 10, 1661.
4 Dirck (KRANENBURG), christened in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Friday October 6, 1662.

Cornelis Teunisz KRANENBURG, christened in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Sunday November 5, 1656, son of II. He was married to Marritje Stoffels VAN WIERINGEN.
From this marriage:
1 Annitje KRANENBURG, christened in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Sunday September 10, 1679.
2 Teunis Cornelisz KRANENBURG, christened in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Sunday October 5, 1681, follows IV.
3 Weyntje KRANENBURG, christened in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Sunday October 18, 1682.

Teunis Cornelisz KRANENBURG, christened in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Sunday October 5, 1681, son of III. He was married
(1) to Beertie Claas VAN WIERINGEN.
He got the banns published on Friday December 1, 1719 and was married in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Sunday December 17, 1719 in church
(2) to Merrigie Klaas KOOIJ, born in Aarlanderveen (ZH). From this marriage:
1 Marrigje KRANENBURG alias Merrigie, christened in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Sunday April 18, 1723.
2 Klaas Teunisz KRANENBURG, born in Nieuwkoop (ZH), christened on Sunday March 17, 1726, follows V.

Klaas Teunisz KRANENBURG, born in Nieuwkoop (ZH), christened on Sunday March 17, 1726, son of IV. He was married in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Wednesday May 3, 1752 in church to Marretje Dirksz VAN DER NEUT, born in Bodegraven (ZH).
From this marriage:
1 Neeltje KRANENBURG, christened in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Sunday March 11, 1753.
2 Teunis Klaasz KRANENBURG, born in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Sunday May 15, 1757, follows VI.
3 Helena KRANENBURG, christened in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Sunday November 22, 1761.

Teunis Klaasz KRANENBURG, born in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Sunday May 15, 1757, son of V. He was married in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Sunday August 22, 1779 in church to Marietje Pieters VAN LEEUWEN, born in Nieuwkoop (ZH).
From this marriage:
1 Klaas KRANENBURG, christened in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Sunday November 21, 1779.
2 Pieter KRANENBURG, born in Nieuwkoop (ZH), christened there on Sunday March 4, 1781, follows VII.
3 Klaas KRANENBURG, christened in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Sunday March 3, 1782.
4 Neeltje KRANENBURG, christened in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Sunday April 25, 1784.
5 Dirk KRANENBURG, christened in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Sunday March 19, 1786.
6 Leendert KRANENBURG, christened in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Sunday November 25, 1787.
7 Leendert KRANENBURG, born in Nieuwkoop (ZH), christened on Monday March 1, 1790.
8 Leendert KRANENBURG, born in Nieuwkoop (ZH), christened on Sunday September 4, 1791.

Pieter KRANENBURG, born in Nieuwkoop (ZH), christened there on Sunday March 4, 1781, son of VI. He was married in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Sunday January 17, 1802 to Beertje Klaase GARENTJE, born in Mijdrecht (U), living in Zevenhoven (ZH).
From this marriage:
1 Theunis KRANENBURG, born in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Friday July 9, 1802, christened on Sunday July 25, 1802, follows VIII-a.
2 Marigje KRANENBURG, born in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Monday August 17, 1807, christened on Sunday September 6, 1807.
3 Leendert KRANENBURG, born in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Friday August 10, 1810, follows VIII-b.

Theunis KRANENBURG, schuitenjager (bargeman) and turfschipper (peat shipper), born in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Friday July 9, 1802, christened on Sunday July 25, 1802, living in Nieuwkoop (ZH), son of VII. He was married to Johanna DE GRAAF. They were not married in Nieuwkoop or Lisse.
From this marriage:
1 Pieter KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Friday May 6, 1831 (Ned. Herv. (Dutch Reformed)), follows IX-a.
2 Hugo KRANENBURG, born in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Saturday November 3, 1832, follows IX-b.
3 Leendert KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Thursday August 11, 1836.
4 Teunis KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Friday February 23, 1838.
5 Johanna KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Tuesday January 18, 1842.

Leendert KRANENBURG, landbouwer (farmer), born in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Friday August 10, 1810, son of VII. He was married (1) to Hendrika KROMHOUT, born on Thursday December 27, 1798. He was married in Lisse (ZH) on Thursday February 19, 1874
(2) to Maria MIJLAND, born circa 1838, daughter of Dirk MIJLAND and Johanna WILDERINK.
From this marriage:
1 Leentje KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Monday November 23, 1874, died there on Sunday October 20, 1889.
2 Pieter KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Saturday March 4, 1876, died there on Friday March 24, 1876.

Pieter KRANENBURG, workman (arbeider) and schuitenjager (bargeman), born in Lisse (ZH) on Friday May 6, 1831 (Ned. Herv. (Dutch Reformed)), died on Friday August 19, 1892, son of VIII-a.
Pieter was born on a peat-boat. In his birth record the official residence of his parents was given as Nieuwkoop. He was married on Sunday April 19, 1857 to Antje MOL, dienstbode (maid servant), born in Amsterdam (NH) on Saturday November 3, 1827 (Roman Catholic), died in Lisse (ZH) on Thursday November 24, 1887, daughter of Klaas MOL and Catharina VAN BAAR. Settle in the house number 114 in the Dorpstraat in Lisse on August 12, 1857.
From this marriage:
1 Teunis KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Friday January 22, 1858, follows X-a.
2 Nicolaas KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Monday November 21, 1859, died there on Wednesday September 4, 1861.
3 Nicolaas KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Friday July 25, 1862 (Roman Catholic), follows X-b.
4 Catharina KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Wednesday December 7, 1864. She was married in Lisse (ZH) on Thursday May 6, 1886 to Johannes Petrus RIPHAGEN, schoenmaker (cobbler), living in Purmerend (NH), son of Jan RIPHAGEN and Elisabeth BONN.
5 Leendert KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Wednesday December 7, 1864.

Hugo KRANENBURG, schippersknecht (barge hand), born in Nieuwkoop (ZH) on Saturday November 3, 1832, son of VIII-a. He was married in Lisse (ZH) on Sunday March 13, 1859 to Catharina KLEYWEG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Sunday October 11, 1835, daughter of Johannes KLEYWEG and Petronella VAN DER KLANT.
From this marriage:
1 Anna Catharina KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Tuesday January 24, 1860. She was married in Lisse (ZH) on Thursday October 16, 1879 to Dirk DUBBIS, molenaarsknecht (miller's man), born on Saturday March 5, 1853, son of Hendrikus Jacobus DUBBIS and Johanna PROOPER.
2 Petronella KRANENBURG, born on Friday April 25, 1862. She was married on Thursday November 1, 1883
(1) to Gerardus BEKKER, son of Pieter BEKKER and Christina LOOPER.
She was married in Lisse (ZH) on Wednesday September 13, 1893
(2) to Martinus NIJLAND.
3 Hugo KRANENBURG, born on Tuesday November 24, 1863, follows X-c.
4 Johannes KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Tuesday December 6, 1864.
5 Johannes KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Monday January 14, 1867.
6 Johannes KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Wednesday June 17, 1868.
7 Teunis KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Saturday August 28, 1869, follows X-d.
8 Elisabeth KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Wednesday January 15, 1873.
9 Jacob KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Tuesday March 28, 1876, died there on Friday August 25, 1876.
10 Johanna KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Saturday June 9, 1877, died there on Tuesday October 16, 1877.
11 Johanna KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Friday September 20, 1878. She was married in Lisse (ZH) on Thursday March 29, 1906 to Albert Jan BURGERS, tuinknecht (gardener's man), born in the year 1880, son of Albert BURGERS and Elisabeth NESSELAAR. Depart 31.3.1906 to Elst (Gld).
12 Jacob KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Friday September 20, 1878, follows X-e.

Teunis KRANENBURG, besteller (postman?) and stoombootdekknecht (deck hand on a steamboat), born in Lisse (ZH) on Friday January 22, 1858, buried in Hackensack, NJ, son of IX-a. He was married in Lisse (ZH) on Thursday March 24, 1881 to Gijsberta VAN DE WAKKER, born in Harderwijk (Gld) on Saturday January 12, 1861 (Ned. Herv. (Dutch Reformed)), died in the year 1924, daughter of Adrianus VAN DE WAKKER and Dirkje KLOS. Of the various places of residence of the family, Zijpe, Lisse, Zaandam, Leiden, Oude Wetering, Sassenheim, Leiderdorp and again Leiden, we know the following dates: Zijpe: around 1890. Lisse: 1892-1897. Zaandam: until 20 July 1898. Leiden, Piet Heinstraat 11: until 5 August 1899. Alkemade (Oude Wetering) until 13 August 1900. Sassenheim. Leiderdorp: until 7 July 1904. Leiden, Langegracht 173 and Sophiastraat 30: until 30 March 1914. During the last period in Leiden, the family changes religion: from Ned. Herv. (Nederduits Hervormd) to Hersteld Apostolisch (Restored Apostolic), a Protestant sect. In the records of the Leiden archives three dates are given for emigration to the USA. Teuntje and Nicolaas 30 March 1913 to "Amerika". Pieter, 4 July 1913 to "New York". Teunis (father), Gijsberta (mother), Antje, Hugo and Johannes 30 March 1914 to "Amerika". Gijsbertus lived in Leimuiden, and the records of his emigration should be in the Leimuiden town hall.
From this marriage:
1 Antje KRANENBURG, born in Amsterdam (NH) on Friday September 6, 1889, died in Lisse (ZH) on Saturday April 22, 1893.
2 Nicolaas KRANENBURG alias Nicholas, born in Zijpe (NH) on Wednesday December 10, 1890. Departs 27 May 1909 to Leimuiden (close to Oude Wetering). He was married to Elizabeth KRATZ.
3 Teuntje KRANENBURG alias Tillie, dienstbode (maid servant), born in Lisse (ZH) on Wednesday March 2, 1892, died in Chicago, IL in the year 1972. Moves 27 January 1910 as maid servant to Zoeterwoude (near Leiden). Returns to the parental home 21 April 1911. She was married to William FRYER.
4 Pieter KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Monday February 12, 1894, died there on Saturday September 7, 1895.
5 Gijsbertus KRANENBURG alias Bert, born in Lisse (ZH) on Sunday April 28, 1895, follows XI-a.
6 Pieter KRANENBURG alias Peter, kruidenier (grocer), born in Lisse (ZH) on Saturday June 12, 1897, buried in Hackensack, NJ. Sails on 4 July 1913 to New York. Died in the Black Town Explosion.
7 Antje KRANENBURG alias Anna, born in Zaandam (NH) on Thursday June 2, 1898, died in Newark, NJ. She was married to William BACATCELAS.
8 Hugo KRANENBURG, born in Oude Wetering, Alkemade (ZH) on Wednesday August 30, 1899, follows XI-b.
9 Johannes KRANENBURG alias Joe, born in Sassenheim (ZH) on Saturday March 2, 1901.
10 Elisabeth KRANENBURG, born in Leiden (ZH) on Friday November 25, 1904, died there on Sunday January 19, 1908.
11 Maria Cornelia KRANENBURG, born in Leiden (ZH) on Monday January 13, 1908, died there on Monday January 13, 1908.

Nicolaas KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Friday July 25, 1862 (Roman Catholic), died on Thursday May 10, 1888, son of IX-a. He was married to Wilhelmina Louise TROOST, born in Harderwijk (Gld) on Tuesday April 23, 1861 (Roman Catholic). After Nicolaas'death, widow and son move in with the family of Teunis and Gijsberta. They depart to Haarlemmermeer 29 Aug 1891.
From this marriage:
1 Teunis KRANENBURG, born on Thursday December 3, 1885, follows XI-c.

Hugo KRANENBURG, born on Tuesday November 24, 1863, son of IX-b. He was married to Wilhelmina WIJNHOUT, born in Heerde (Gld) on Sunday June 21, 1863.
From this marriage:
1 Willem KRANENBURG, born in Haarlemmermeer (NH) on Wednesday December 29, 1880. Departs 21.9.1905 to Haarlemmermeer.
2 Catharina KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Monday November 23, 1885, died there on Monday November 15, 1886.
3 Egbertje KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Saturday September 3, 1887, died there on Sunday November 27, 1887.
4 Catharina KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Sunday December 30, 1888. She was married in Lisse (ZH) on Thursday May 21, 1908 to Nicolaas VAN DER LEEDE, born circa 1882, son of Pieter VAN DER LEEDE and Wilhelmina Agatha VERBEEK. Depart 17.6.1908 to Haarlemmermeer.
5 Egbertje KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Sunday March 15, 1891, died on Saturday February 10, 1906.
6 Hugo KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Thursday August 31, 1893.
7 Aart KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Wednesday June 26, 1895.
8 Teunis KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Tuesday September 7, 1897.
9 Marinus KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Friday December 30, 1898.

Teunis KRANENBURG, bloemistenknecht (florist hand), born in Lisse (ZH) on Saturday August 28, 1869, son of IX-b. He was married to Hendrika WIJNHOUT, born in Haarlemmermeer (NH) on Sunday September 25, 1870.
From this marriage:
1 Hugo Hendrik KRANENBURG, vrachtrijder (truck driver), born on Sunday February 9, 1896.
2 Egbertje Johanna KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Tuesday September 7, 1897, died there on Monday October 17, 1898.
3 Egbertje Catharina KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Thursday February 1, 1900. She was married in Lisse (ZH) on Thursday August 28, 1924 to Adrianus VAN KESTEREN, slager (butcher), born in Hillegom (ZH) circa 1898.
4 Aart Johannes KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Tuesday August 13, 1901.
5 Catharina KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Monday July 17, 1905.

Jacob KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Friday September 20, 1878, son of IX-b. He was married to Evertje KULK, born in Lisse (ZH) on Thursday January 25, 1883.
From this marriage:
1 Hugo KRANENBURG, born in Lisse (ZH) on Monday June 15, 1908.

Gijsbertus KRANENBURG alias Bert, schippersknecht (shippers mate), born in Lisse (ZH) on Sunday April 28, 1895, died in (NY) (?), son of X-a. Moves to Leimuiden on 18 March 1910.
His son from an unknown woman:
1 Bert Tunis KRANENBURG, born in Chicago, IL on Wednesday March 2, 1927, follows XII-a.

Hugo KRANENBURG, born in Oude Wetering, Alkemade (ZH) on Wednesday August 30, 1899, died in Chicago, IL on Tuesday April 30,1963, buried in Mount Hope Cemetary, son of X-a. Was born at half past one in the morning in house no 90 in precinct A in Oude Wetering. He was married on Saturday November 3, 1928 to Helen Genevieve KOHM, born in Chicago, IL on Monday January 2, 1911.

Teunis KRANENBURG, born on Thursday December 3, 1885, son of X-b. He was married on Thursday June 18, 1908 to Anna VAN DER SPRUIT, born on Friday June 1, 1888. Sue Kranenburg-Bohse wrote: My husbands father and mother and siblings came from Holland when my father-in-law was 6. He died in 1971, but I believe was born in 1916. His first name was Teun, his father Teunis. They came on a private boat, cattle and all. There were 5 children, William, Teun, John, Dan and Min. The story is that they settled in New Jersey, thought they were buying a farm or farm land, but were scammed out of their money - they then moved on to Illinois.

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